Caring for People in Harrow & Brent

A-Z of Fundraising Ideas

AAbseil off of the ArcelorMittal Orbit, the largest sculpture in London at 80 metres in Stratford’s Olympic Park – Click here 
BBake Sale – channel your Mary Berry baking skills and become the most popular person for the day at home, your community group, at work or at school, college or university. Who can say no to some sugary treats for charity?
CCoffee Morning – invite people to a coffee morning at your home, community group or workplace. Ask for donations in exchange for coffee and tea and combine the event with a bake sale to raise even more money. 
DDinner Party – Who doesn’t enjoy a good evening with friends over a delicious dinner? Cook your favourite meal at home for friends or find a local restaurant who agrees to a reduced priced meal deal for your group. 
EEco Challenge – do something that helps the environment and fundraise at the same time. Try a litter pick in your local park or nature reserve, a beach clean or join in a tree planting event. 
FFancy Dress Day – you can organise these at any time of year – try a superhero day, historical character day or in December have a Christmas jumper day.
GGive it up / Games Night / Gaming
HHair change – will you shave it all off or give it a big dose of dye – make a statement that will get lots of support from your nearest and dearest!
IInternational Party – celebrate Irish or Indian culture and have a themed party with traditional meals, songs and dancing. Host the party at a local venue to make the event as big as possible.
JJump at one of the local Bungee jumping sites! You could choose by the 02 in Greenwich, or over a lake in Windsor or Bedford. You could even try a Tandem jump which is perfect for couples! Click here 
KKnitting – if you can knit or crochet you could raise funds by selling your knitwear to friends and family in exchange for donations. Reach even more people by putting you designs on social media or selling them at a fete or community event. 
LLuncheon – get together with friends or work colleagues, decide who is bringing what, and hold a bring-your-own lunch event to make an incredible spread. Ask everyone to put a donation in to attend.
MMatch Giving – ask your employer if they will match some or all of the funds you can raise. 
NNon-uniform day – get all your school or work to come in for the day in casual clothes for a small donation. Make sure to run the idea past your teacher or manager first!
OOccasions – ask friends and family for donations or sponsorship instead of gifts at your wedding or birthday or the next religious festival. 
PPaintballing day – get together in a group and go paintballing at a local venue and all pay a little extra to support St Luke’s – Click here 
QQuiz Night – host it online or hold an event at a pub, social club or restaurant. Charge an entry fee and make the live events raise more by taking donations for food and drink. 
RRaffle – if you can secure a few prizes from local businesses, or even through donating your own prizes, you can sell raffle tickets at your fundraising event and give everyone a chance to win. 
SSweepstake – Ask people to guess the number of sweets in a jar or something similar, for a small fee to win the jar and contents as a prize. If you’re already doing a fundraising event like a run, ask people to guess your finishing time and the nearest to your actual time wins a prize. 
TTea party – host a delightfully traditional British tea time party with sweets treats and small sandwiches all alongside a lovely warm cuppa. 
UUnique Talent Exchange – whatever your skill is, from your work life or through a hobby you’ve mastered, offer your services to a neighbour, friend or colleague in exchange for a donation. 
VVolunteer your time in exchange for donations. You can raise money bag packing at a Supermarket, doing a fundraising collection outside the shops, washing people cars or mowing lawns in the summer. 
WWine or Whiskey tasting evening – set a ticket price to cover the wine and snacks, and invite friends and family for an evening of fun tasting together. Give the event an edge and give the event a geographical theme – French wine anyone?
XXbox / PlayStation Gaming Competition – choose your favourite game and get in competition mode online or in person. Charge and entrance fee and hold the tournament as a knockout or league with a prize for the winner!
YYoga challenge – challenge yourself to do yoga every day for a week, month or however long the right challenge is for you. Document your experience and ask for sponsorship to help you get through. 
ZZip Wire – Get the feeling of flight on the England’s largest and fastest Zip Wire – Click here 

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