Caring for People in Harrow & Brent

Enabling people to stay at home

Did you know that the majority of the care we deliver is at home?

Many people prefer to be cared for in their own home, and we provide several services which can help to support you remaining at home for as long as possible. Some people may need specialist equipment, others may need to see a nurse, doctor or social worker. Even the help of one of our expert volunteers can be the thing that makes staying at home possible.

Our trained team members may come into your home to complement your GP, district nurses and local authority with expert advice. They are used to caring for people in their own homes, are not intrusive, and most important of all, they will listen to what you want.

Brent Specialist Palliative Care

The Brent Community Specialist Palliative Care Team of specialist nurses, medical consultant and registrar, social worker, physio and administrator who specialise in palliative care

Can help with:

  • Management of physical symptoms such as pain, fatigue, nausea etc.
  • Emotional and psychological support for patients and their families.
  • Help with arranging practical support in the home, such as equipment and hospital beds.
  • Information about additional help that may be available such as care at home, housing and financial matters.
  • Help and advice in planning future care as your illness progresses.
  • Support during the last stages of illness.
  • Bereavement care and support.

We will work to meet your needs and preferences to support you in any areas that you and your carers may find difficult to manage.

Whilst your GP will still have overall responsibility for your care at home, in order to meet your needs and wishes, the team will work closely with all other health care professionals who are caring for you.

Working Hours; The Brent Community Palliative Care team is available 7 days a week from 8.30 am – 4.30 pm. You can call 020 8382 8013 and will speak directly to a specialist nurse. 

Hospice at Home

Our experienced team of registered nurses, healthcare assistants and volunteers provide extra personal care for people in their own homes, for people in the last days of life.

For up to 14 days, Hospice at Home can help with:

  • Urgent care in the last days of life.
  • Supporting you so that you can avoid unnecessary hospital admission.
  • Tailored visits to meet your needs to provide a wash/shower, repositioning, and prompt medications up to 4 times a day.
  • Night care when available. 
  • Respite Care to give your carer a short break.
  • Emotional and psychological support for you and your family.

How to access Hospice at Home

To receive our short-term support, you will need to be registered with a GP in North Brent or Harrow. You will also need a referral from a healthcare professional, GP, district nurse, clinical nurse specialist or social worker. To find out more, or if you have any questions, about our Hospice at Home service, please call 0208 382 8020 or email us at

24 hour Palliative Helpline (Pall 24)

Provides patients, families and professionals with 24-hour access telephone advice and support. We work closely with GPs and Community District Nursing Services who are your first line of contact. However, if your condition changes, we can give you information and advice about your care. We also undertake a one-off crisis visit to your home where we can assess your immediate needs (available between 8-9pm only).  

Hours of operation: 24 hours, 7 days a week/365 days per year.  

Phone: 0300 020 0224


Domiciliary Care

For people at the very end of their lives, who qualify for fast track funding and wish to remain at home, we can provide packages of care for up to 2 weeks. This could include:

  • assistance with personal care
  • feeding and drinking
  • pressure area care
  • toileting

What happens after 14 days?

Please call the team on 0208 382 8050 or email us at  to discuss how we can help you.

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