Grief can be painful and people shouldn’t go through it alone. Please gift essential bereavement support for our patient’s families today.
Your donations will help people cope at a tough time in their lives. Thank you.
Thank you for gifting bereavement support for people coping with grief.
Your amazing donations to date of £6307 will cover the cost of a total of 90 one to one bereavement sessions. This means your donations could support just over 7 bereaved people through this process, as on average individuals attend 12 sessions to work through their grief. Thank you.
If you haven’t donated yet and would like to, our Spring Appeal – help us to support grieving hearts, is still open to receive your generous donations. Please click the ‘Donate for Bereavement Sessions’ button below to make a difference to people in our local community.
Grief can impact people’s physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, making it hard to do everyday things. St Luke’s care extends beyond our patients to ensure grieving families are supported with regular one-to-one bereavement support sessions.
Without this free service, our patients’ families can face long GP waiting lists, leaving people feeling very isolated. Your generosity will give families a safe space to talk without fear of being judged for as long as they need.
Your gift, however big or small, can improve people’s wellbeing and make their day to day life easier to manage. Thank you.
St Luke’s Bereavement Support Lead, Rhonda shares the impact you will have on local people.
‘I help countless families and know there is no right or wrong way to grieve and no timescale for providing support. People tell me they are not comfortable talking about their feelings with family, or worse, feel lonely because they don’t have a support network to turn to.
With you by our side, we can help people manage their grief through one-to-one support sessions until they feel ready to cope on their own.
Our service is delivered alongside caring and highly trained volunteers. As a team, we always ensure people are really heard, not alone and support is available for as long as needed.
People often tell us they are not sure how they would have managed their grief without our help. I have seen at first-hand how your gifts can make a positive difference to local people’s wellbeing.
It costs £70 to provide a one-to-one bereavement session and people typically have twelve to work through their grief. Facilitating this continuity of care from our patients through to family bereavement is incredibly important and I hope we can rely on your support.’

Your gifts will help more people like Jason whose parents were cared by St Luke’s. Rhonda helped Jason through his grief and he shares:
‘The difficult part of grief is having all my emotions flying around and not being very good at controlling them. It’s a battle. Rhonda helps me to try and deal with my feelings in a more positive process than what I could have managed on my own.
I’m still grieving. Rhonda has seen me on really bad days and we’ve got through lots of ups and downs. It’s not just one or two sessions. Rhonda has seen me through a long time and during the worst period of my life.
I generally always feel better after our support sessions. It has made a difference.
Grief is delicate and tough. People say ‘life goes on’ but you might not be ready for that or even want that. It’s needing something to help you get there and St Luke’s bereavement support sessions helped me to do just that. Thank you.’