Caring for People in Harrow & Brent

Resources for Carers

To assist carers who may find themselves having to support someone at home, we have produced our own (and collated other) useful resources.

To the carers, we say “thank you” and “look after yourselves”.

Download: Covid-19 Care at Home Guide

Rolling to the left instruction video

Laying to sitting instruction video

Sitting to standing instruction video


Opening an ampule and withdrawing medication instruction video

Administering medication with a needle instruction video

Administering medication through a line instruction video


These videos are filmed by healthcare professionals as guidance on how they themselves perform simple care activities safely. St Luke’s is not liable for any injury or damage caused to any person, thing or property by any person who may have watched this film. Each film is intended to guide not prescribe how the activities demonstrated therein should be performed.

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