Our hospice is a safe and tranquil place where you can be cared for.
Sometimes people need to come into our 12-bed inpatient unit to get their symptoms controlled, or so they and their family can have a break. Others come to the hospice at the very end of their life when care elsewhere can’t meet their needs.
Care is delivered 24 hours a day. Our team of nurses, doctors, social workers, complementary therapists and physiotherapists will give you specialist treatment and care. We will also provide support and help for your family and those who matter most to you.
All of the spacious, light and well-equipped rooms open onto our peaceful gardens so that you, your friends and family, can enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Unlike public hospitals, we welcome visitors at any time, day or night, so your loved ones can be with you whenever they wish. There is no restriction on what time they can visit.
We can admit people to our inpatient unit from home, hospital, or other care settings when there is an agreement that this is the best place to manage your symptoms, concerns and issues.
Generally, you can expect to stay between 10 to 14 days on average; unfortunately, St Luke’s Hospice is not a long stay unit. If you are well, enough we will always seek to return you home or to a local care home.
Don’t worry we will talk you through all the options so that you can reach an informed decision and help in every way to make this transfer work well.
In 50% of cases, because of the nature of your illness or the speed of change, this is not possible and we will then support you to die with dignity and comfort in the unit.
Please note, that unlike public hospitals, visitors are welcomed anytime of the day or night, to make it easy to visit their loved ones .