Dr Charles Daniels, St Luke’s Hospice Medical Director, to retire after over 25 years of service
It is with a mix of appreciation and sadness that we announce the retirement of Dr Charles Daniels, Medical Director at St Luke’s Hospice (Harrow & Brent) after more than 25 years of dedicated service. Dr Daniels feels that the time is right for him to focus on the development of the palliative care services at Northwick Park and in the community.
Dr Daniels started at St Luke’s as a Palliative Care Consultant in 1998. He has seen the development of a full range of services for people in Brent and Harrow at end of life. This includes the transfer of the Hospice to the Kenton Grange site, opening of our first inpatient beds and establishing support for people in their homes alongside the outpatient services at Kenton Grange.
During his time at St Luke’s patient and family support has expanded to include a bereavement service, hospice at home and a 24-hour telephone advice line. Dr Daniels has been instrumental in driving progress, quality improvement and epitomises the Hospice’s philosophy of care through his commitment and dedication to patients and families. He has been instrumental in the establishment of St Luke’s as a renowned provider of medical education and research nationally and internationally.
Dr Daniels’ said: “When I started at St Luke’s in 1998, I was the only doctor. I was welcomed into a small daycentre by an existing team of caring and skilful colleagues. Over the years and with their support, I have raised the profile that St Luke’s makes to improving healthcare in North West London, and driven service improvements for our patients and their families. I’m particularly proud of the strong philosophy of care at the Hospice and know that the services will continue to grow. I will miss St Luke’s immensely. However, the work coaching healthcare leaders of tomorrow, and improving healthcare quality, has grown and I wish to focus more on this alongside clinical work in the hospital and community.”
Meg Lustman, St Luke’s Hospice Chair of Trustees, praised Dr Daniels’ long dedication to St Luke’s saying: “We are grateful for Dr Daniels’ commitment and expertise in the service of his patients and their families. He has garnered the trust and respect of clinicians, volunteers, staff and the Board of Trustees, over a number of years, and played an important role in raising the profile of St Luke’s work amongst other health professionals. He is a truly dedicated clinician, and we wish him every success in the future”.
Dr Daniels will continue working with London North West Healthcare NHS Trust and Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust.
Dr Daniels’ last day of service with St Luke’s will be 31 January 2025. We look forward to acknowledging his contribution to St Luke’s at a future celebratory event. Details will follow in due course.